Thursday, September 25, 2008


To me green is.....

The brittle aftertaste on your teeth after eating a crisp apple or drinking Hawaiian Punch.
The mist shot from the bottom of a waterfall landing on your face on a hot day.
Feeling nauseous after a huge delicious meal at your favorite restaurant.
Cleaning the toilet(I'll just leave it at that).
A swarm of gnats around my head.
Blowing my nose into itchy scratchy tissue paper.
Needing to go while in line for an intense ride that you're nervous to go on.
A soar throat and a cough.
A math problem or concept that suddenly clicks in your head.
Feeling like nobody is there for you in a hard situation.
The raspy voice of an old lady who finally stopped smoking.
Irritated eyes from dust that's blasting through the air.
A nice clean haircut.
Mosquito bites all over your legs that itch like nobody's business.
A comforting hug from a friend or family member.

1 comment:

Justin See said...

I'm..... speachless. Excpet I'm not, because I'm saying this. So what's the point of saying I'm speechless? That is a total oxy moron. By the way, if disgsuting means something gross, then what is gusting? Doesn't that mean wind? And if distant means 'far away', then what is tant? Do you think the loch ness monster really exists? Or what about bigfoot? Oh, sorry. I got off on a tangent. Back to the poem. Why are you so negative about Green? You keep saying that green is a bad thing associated with the bathroom. I would put that more with brown. And about the dust part, that is more like orange. Did you know that no single word rhymes with orange? Also month. So don't try to use those in a poem. Have you ever heard the llama song? It's funny.

-Senor Loco
oops. That is spanish, so some people might not understand. It means 'Mr. Crazy'.

-Mr. Crazy
There, is that better? Now I don't have to be your babysitter.

-Mr. Nonbabysitter