Friday, September 12, 2008

The Unexplained

I sat here thinking of something to post on my blog when I realized I never wrote anything about the picture on the top right of my blog. It shows a cartoon kid pulling out a book that never ends entitled "The Unexplained", but how do I explain what I think of the unexplained? Well first of all man is on a quest to discovering new things for good benefit or bad benefit. Examples as the nuclear bomb, iPod, geological and archeological discoveries, ancient people secrets, literature,anyything you can think of! All these things were once amongst the unexplained until we were able to push limits into many types of things. Today in math, Mr.Gilbert shared a great quote by Henry David Thoreau that says
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by concious endeavor." This quote is really helpful in my explanation, how I would take it is that we need to use the unexplained to elevate our lifes by concious edeavor. Break those barriers of question you have. In a metaphorical example, when you hit a wall, break down the wall then proceed through it.

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