Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry For Grendel?

Grendel is an interesting character to read from his point of view. We most likely all agree that he's a complete mental car wreck. To me, he's a character that represents all human suffering and imperfections. He's always angry ( besides when he eats people he only gets temporal pleasure). He seems jealous of the creatures if you think of the meaning behind his excuses of hating all of the humans and animals because of their natural instincts. He feels unwanted and wants acceptance. In the book it says that at night in his putrid cave that eyes stare at him, but they aren't giving him attention, they just look right through him. He also can't even accept himself and he's afraid of himself. In the book he yells at the cliffs to take him and kill him but then acts like they can't cause he'll never let them. It says he's afraid of his voice in the dark too. At the end it says how terrible it is for his mom to cradle him in her arms. Anyways, I think you catch my drift, what I feel of Grendel is sympathy for him. He doesn't know what his curse is because his mother won't tell him but I think his curse is what I explained before.

1 comment:

Justin See said...

At first when I read the book I just felt sorry for Grendel, but now I feel sorry for myself and other humans. We have such sorry lives! What is the point of being andry anyway? It doesn't ever really get you anywhere...